Join us for this series entitled, Polishing the Mirror.
The Prophet informed us, "everything has a polish, and the polish of hearts is remembrance of God (dhikr'Allah)." The heart is likened to a mirror because it has an innate ability to reflect the divine names and qualities. However, forgetfulness and lack of God-consciousness can cause a rust to cover the heart-mirror so that is no longer reflects this light. Thus, the essence of the Prophetic Way is a method for polishing the heart to allow us to actualize our deepest potential.
Each Monday we will gather for remembrance and reminders from Imam al-Haddad's great manual of the path, "The Book of Assistance." This manual of applied spirituality has, for centuries, served as a guide across Arabia, East Africa, South East Asia, and beyond as a means to assist countless seekers to polish the mirror of the heart and more fully reflect the light of truth and beauty.
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