بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
As part of the Wasat's Stewardship and Sustainability program with our Director Rhamis Kent, the Wasat community is invited to participate as a soil and water stewardship group with Tilth Alliance. Participants will support with monthly hands-on projects implementing aspects of what’s being covered in the Stewardship and Sustainability courses currently underway.
We welcome all community members, including youth and families, to join us once a month in this incredible opportunity to partner with Tilth Alliance as stewards of earth. You are not required to be registered to Wasat’ Stewardship and Sustainability course to join.
Learning objectives may include:
Addressing food equity and environmental justice issues that affect communities in King County
Improving soil health and build compost systems, from worm bins to hot piles
Building garden beds and grow food using organic gardening techniques
Reducing toxic runoff threatening Puget Sound, through rain gardens, cisterns, and green infrastructure
Implementing permaculture concepts and design sustainable landscapes
Installing rain barrels, drip irrigation systems and implement water conservation practices