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Heartcentric and Caravan of Love: Knowledge of Self and Islamic Model of the Soul

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Knowledge of Self and Islamic Model of the Soul

What is Islamic spirituality? What is Islamic psychology? What is the nature of the self? What does the Islamic tradition have to say about human flourishing, happiness, wellness, and awakening? 

Join us this Sunday for a conversation on Islamic spirituality and psychology as it relates to our relationship to God, to each other and to ourselves. As part of our Caravan of Love series, this session is geared towards converts to Islam, those re-engaging the path, and those interested in Islamic spirituality more generally.

This program is co-hosted by our Heartcentric branch, which explores Islamic spirituality and psychology in context. This gathering will serve in lieu of our usual weekly online Heartcentric check-in. We encourage all Heartcentric participants to join. 

Where: Rainier Arts Center

When: August 22nd, 7pm until Maghrib